Learn how to use emojis on a Mac keyboard. When I have something to say and only a phone to say it, my fingers can really fly. And when I say fly, I mean I can text about half as fast as I can type. #fatfingers I spend a fair amount of my work day scrolling Instagram, checking Twitter, popping in… Read More
Spend Less Time Writing This Summer
Now that we are officially knee deep in summer, most bloggers aren’t going to want to be trapped behind their laptops all day long. You likely have kids home on summer break, or weddings and reunions to attend, or maybe you just want to spend more time in the sunshine than on your couch. Unfortunately, the workload doesn’t disappear when… Read More
Balancing Personal and Professional on Your Blog
I came home from my first SNAP! Conference with so much information to digest and evaluate. One of the sessions that really hit a chord for me was the storytelling session led by Karianne of Thistlewood Farms, Vanessa of At the Picket Fence, and Vivienne of The V Spot. The session was a reminder to me that, while I am… Read More
Get Over Your Fear of Writing About Yourself
A writer for one of my favorite TV shows, Parks and Recreation, coined a new term last year: “humble brag.” Have you heard it? A person is humble bragging when he or she tempers an obviously boastful sentiment with false modesty. Here’s a perfect example from Joe Jonas: “”Totally walked down the wrong escalator at the airport from the flashes… Read More
Hunting for Inspiration — 15 Blog Post Prompts
Even seasoned writers go through creative droughts and bouts of writer’s block. It’s understandable that bloggers who are churning out content day after day will need to replenish their idea wells now and again. Creative bloggers have it doubly bad. If we are out of projects and we can’t think of anything to write about, it can be especially discouraging…. Read More
10 Easy Ways to Discover Your Brand’s Voice
Branding your blog is exciting and scary all at the same time. You need to do some intense introspection to decide what it is that your blog is about — what YOU are about. Every aspect of your blog should be influenced by the characteristics of your brand: your projects, your photos, your blog design, and your writing. Clear branding… Read More
Turn First Time Readers into Fans with Your Writing
In the age of Pinterest and Facebook, gorgeous photography and attention-grabbing graphics pull more new visitors to your blog than ever before. Unfortunately, too many of those opportunities become one and done visits, instead of translating into long-term readership. While visuals are an invaluable way to get your foot in the door, well-crafted writing can get you invited inside for… Read More