Looking for a fun St. Patrick’s Day activity for your kids? This St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt Printable is great for kids of all ages, particularly if you “TREAT” them right at the end.
St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. If your kids are like mine, all they can think about right now are leprechauns, leprechaun traps, and treasure hunts.
To celebrate, I try to put together a little treasure hunt for my kids each year for St. Patrick’s Day. I have to be honest, sometimes it’s hard to come up with clever clues. This year, I’ve created this free St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt printable that can be used over and over.
If you’re feeling poetic and would like to make your own clues, I’ve included a blank page of clovers for you to plug in your own clever words. You can also use the blank shamrocks as a little holiday decoration, gift tag, or whatever else you might think up!
St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt
To recreate this St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt, you will need: St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt Printable (download below) Color Printer (I like to use this one for projects like this.) White Copy Paper or Cardstock Scissors Tape
Here are the instructions for recreating this St. Patrick’s Day treasure hunt.
1) Download my 2-page St. Patrick’s Treasure Hunt Printable (download below).
2) Print the shamrocks onto plain white paper. You can use card-stock if you’d like them to be a bit more sturdy, but we’ve had great success with white office paper.
3) Cut out each shamrock.
4) While kids are at school or in bed, hide each clue in the corresponding place. For example, you’d find a hiding spot near a door for clue #2. Clue #4 can be placed by a globe or maybe a world atlas. (If making up your own clues, use a magic marker to write the clues on your printout before hiding them.)
5) Prepare a small treat or treasure to use at the prize. If hiding the final prize in a garbage can, make sure to use a clean garbage can. I usually empty out my craft garbage, and put the treasure in a clean garbage sack.
Prize ideas:
•Gold coins are always a cute and easy surprise for the end of the treasure hunt.
•One year my kids got a little golden key charm from the jewelry making section in Hobby Lobby. It was an inexpensive little gift that my kids loved. Since my kids are shy and didn’t have a lot of friends back then, the leprechaun left a note for my kids explaining that when they carry the key with them, it gives them courage to talk to new kids and make friends.
•Any type of rainbow treat is a great St. Patrick’s Day prize.
St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt Download
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