Are you in charge of planning an Easter Egg hunt for your neighborhood this year?
Perhaps your neighborhood doesn’t have an Easter Egg Hunt, but you’d like to start one?
Here are a few tips on planning a stress-free neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.
1) Choose a date, time, and location
2) Invitations
I’ve created this colorful invitation to make your job a little easier.
CLICK HERE to download this FREE printable Easter Egg Hunt party invitation.
There are two 5″ x 7″ invitations per sheet.
The invitations come blank (as shown above). You will need to add your own text.
For a more professional look, add text using a program like Photoshop, Pic Font, or Fotor before printing.
If you don’t know how to add text using a computer, or if you prefer a hand-written look, print the invitations blank, then use a Sharpie or colorful marker to hand-write the party information.
3) Deliver the invitations
I like to staple a rubber band around each invitation. This makes it quick and easy to deliver the invite to friends and neighbors.
Be sure to hang invitations in public areas as well, such as a local park, or near the mailboxes.
Ask for volunteers to help deliver the invitations.
Invite neighbors via social media as well.
If you don’t have the funds or time to fill enough eggs for all the neighborhood kids, ask each participant to drop off 10-15 filled eggs at your home the day before the hunt.
5) Hide the Eggs
Ask a few parents to join you 30 minutes prior to the hunt to help you hide all the eggs in your specified location.
6) Start the Hunt
If you are worried about some of the smaller kids not finding any eggs, limit the amount of eggs each kid is allowed to find. Make sure all the kids and parents know the rules before you begin the hunt.
Super cute invitation! What a fun idea to have a neighborhood egg hunt. Thanks for the cute invitation.
Thanks Crystal. Hope you can use the fun Easter Egg Hunt invites! xoxo Tauni
Super cute! I wish I was a party thrower, lol! Always an attendee (;
LOL. I am good to throw the party as long as someone else is ready to clean up. xoxo Tauni
These are great! I actually would love to use this for our Easter Scentsy party. super cute! Thanks!
Fun Terri. Please feel free to use them! xoxo Tauni
Thank you so much for sharing this! I used it to make some super cute “Some Bunny is turning one!” invitations.
Thank you so much for this! Just used your gorgeous template to make my easter Egg Hunt invite for this weekend. All the best, Kate (from England!)