You’ve cleared out the cobwebs, cleaned up the costumes and everyone’s crashing from their sugar high…What are you going to do with all of that leftover Halloween candy?
After about a week, the kids get sick of their candy. Of course, they’re not ready to throw it out and so we’re always looking for things to do with it…
Mique, from Thirty Handmade Days, has a great idea. She used it to create a fun candy scavenger hunt for her kids. Go check it out and download the free printable.
Bananas. You either love them or you hate them. I fall into the love category and I think these frozen banana Reeses Peanut Butter Cup pops from Real Simple sound delightful!
Every dessert posted at Kevin and Amanda tends to be over-the-top sugary sweet. Check out these frosted candy bar stuffed cookie cups. Holy sugar rush!
What about crushing all of the candy up and using it as toppings in a caramel candy apple buffet, like this one from With This Ring. Awesome.
Check out these amazing 3 Musketeers cupcakes from Cookies and Cups. They’re so cute!
I love this Kit Kat cake from Recipe Girl. We even featured it in our top 10 DIY birthday cakes post. It could have something to do with my love for Kit Kats 🙂
While we’re talking cakes. I love the simplicity of this Skittles cake. You could really use anything…Skittles, M&M’s, Reeses Pieces, etc.
As a kid, I loved Skittles. There certainly wouldn’t have been any extra lying around the house then, but if there were I might try these Skittle marshmallow pops from The Decorated Cookie.
There are always about 999 mini Nestle crunch bars in the kids bags. Perfect for these Nestle Crunch bowls from the Nestle Kitchens. Aren’t they gorgeous?
I love blondie brownie bars and don’t these Samoa M&M Blondies from Eat at Allies look delicious?
I adore advent calendars almost more than anything else. I love this paper pyramid advent calendar and you could fill it full of leftover Halloween treats.
Even though the kids get sick of their stash after about a week, there’s no way they would allow me to get rid of it. If they did, I would definitely look at the dentist’s Halloween Buy Back or Operation Gratitude, Operation Shoebox, or Operation Stars and Stripes, that all support our troops.
What do you do with your extra Halloween candy? Perhaps you have the Switch Witch pay a visit?
a couple of years ago I used the leftover wrappers to make hair bows….