Good heavens. I am the biggest sucker for treats (baked goods, not candy) you will ever meet and this time of year just kills me! This past week as I tried to avoid all of the treats associated with Halloween, I was trying to make a list of healthy snacks I could eat without worrying as much about the calories.
Honestly? One of my favorite munchies is popcorn and so adding it to the list was a no-brainer. Did you know that simple air-popped popcorn is only 33 calories a cup?! Seriously, how awesome is that?
I don’t have a popcorn popper and I am not ready to try oil popping on the stove (plus that adds a whopping 25 calories per cup), so we went with a simple brown bag, microwave route. The best part is that DIY microwave popcorn is sooo simple to make!
DIY Microwave Popcorn Recipe
- Pull together a paper lunch bag, tape, unpopped kernels and seasonings of choice.
- Put about 1/4 – 1/3 cup of unpopped kernels in your paper bag.
- Fold over the top of the bag three or four times and tape it closed.
- Microwave until you can count to four between pops (in my microwave this takes about two minutes)
- Add in some seasonings and shake the bag to cover popped corn.
Easy to make and I love that I can make just a bit for me, or a bigger batch for recipes!
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