Hi there! Earlier in January I wrote a post How to Embed a Pinterest Board on Your Blog. At the time the post was specifically for WordPress Users (and Genesis Theme users). But today I am happy to share that the Pinterest Widget Builder page has changed and now ALL Blogger and WordPress Users can easily (we are talking copy and paste!) embed a Pinterest Board in a blog post or sidebar!
All you need to do is head over to the Pinterest Widget Builder Page.
1. Select the kind of widget you would like to build.
2. Paste in the URL for your Pinterest.
3. Chose your size.
4. Click “Build it!”
After you click “Build It!” you will see a small snippet of code. Copy that code and you can place that code in a HTML/Javascript widget (Blogger) or a Text widget (WordPress).
You can also place it into a blog post or page by clicking on the “text” tab while you are composing a post and pasting the code there.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you so much for sharing. I just got mine loaded on the blog!!
Looks awesome!!
I forgot to mention in the post that you can put the html codes for “center” before and after the pinterest code to center the board in you sidebar.
So add
Just a quick tip!
Opps! WordPress erased my html code. I have a super quick tutorial on my blog with the code. Super easy, just follow tip #1 on this post >>> http://www.keylimedigitaldesigns.com/2011/07/keeping-your-blog-all-in-a-line-tutorial/
thank you so much!!! I am having the worst time with weebly trying to plug in html, Do you happen to know of any weebly hacks to make my life less complicated by any chance? contact me via the homepage chat now button on the bottom righthand corner of my aforementioned weebly page (It goes right to me and is quicker than email) http://www.greatsexpectations.org/
Sorry. We don’t work on the Weebly platform. We recommend WordPress or Blogger. Thanks! Tauni
Hi Kendra-I was blown away by this post and the mere possibility of adding a board feed to my blog. I followed your wonderful tutorial, pasting the code into the wordpress text widget, but all those shows up on my blog is text that instructs the reader to follow me on Pinterest. Any thoughts about what I may have done wrong? I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to get this amazing feature to work and any help would be so appreciated. I found your blog for the first time tonight and it is simply fabulous. I will definitely be following along. Thanks again-Lorinda
Hi Lorinda! Thanks for you nice comments!
So I think it might be because you have a wordpress.com blog. 🙁
It is showing the alt text (which says “follow on pinterest”) but it isn’t going to pull up the actual boards. You can read about java script and wordpress.com here >>>
I added mine to my sidebar a few weeks ago and I love it… but then I love Pinterest.
I just can’t get mine to end up in the sidebar, I can get it to appear on a page. Any further tips? I don’t seem to have a place to paste javascript separately from the board info, so I just end up with a link.
Sarah, you may be having issues due to the fact that you’re not on a self-hosted WordPress platform. The .com can be very limiting and unfortunately, I am not very familiar with it. Good luck! xo Tauni
This was so helpful! Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. this is just what I’ve been looking for.
Great! So glad it worked for you. xoxo Tauni
Hi, I gave this a try and I get nothing in my blog post. I was trying to put it in a post. Do I need a plug-in or something else? I must be missing something simple.
Leah, No. No plug-in requires. It’s pretty straight forward…Sometimes the board will not show up in preview mode, did you try publishing and it still wasn’t there? If that’s the case, it sounds like there is missing code…Good luck! Tauni
It is so strange, Tauni! I copy and paste the code and it changes it when I go to publish it. I tried publishing it on another older post, but no dice. Oh well!
It did that to me too? Not sure why?
Sorry to hear it’s not working for you. You don’t need any special plugins or anything like that. Maybe it has to do with your theme?
Thanks for sharing the Blogger instructions. I’ve added a Pinterest board to my blog. Plan to add others in future.
I am excited. Wonder if this will affect my hits on both my blog AND on my Pinterest board. Fingers crossed.
Good luck with your site! Glad we could help out 🙂 –Tauni
Thank you Kendra! You make my life so much easier when it comes to these little technicalities :).
Does this only work when you have a business pinterest? Because I don’t have that I have the regular pinterest! Thanks
No. You can embed any Pinterest board on any site. It’s just a matter of inserting the code. –Tauni
Can you tell me how to do this with a Wix blog? I want to link individual post, like a recipe or craft, and when I do all that comes up on Pinterest is the picture
Sorry Teresa. I am not familiar with Wix. Good luck! Tauni
Thank you so much for this easy to follow tutorial! Much appreciated.
Where exactly do you paste it? I’m on blogger and I’m pasting the code into a widget box but it’s not coming up? Really new to this!
Hi, my blog has a grey background n I’d like to blend embedded pins by making Pinterest background transparent. Do you know the code for this, using CSS class, or adding it to the generated code. I’ve found no info how to do it, afraid it’s impossible still.
Overlay maybe? Can you help? Same goes for Facebook embeds.
Sorry. No. I don’t know how to create the code that would create a transparent background. Good luck!
Not working in 2017. Widget builder ode looks different. Would love an updated tutorial as I am missing something. Usually pretty solid on basic widgets. Thanks! laura
Hi Laura, I just embedded a Pinterest board on my site last week and it worked just fine…What platform are you working on? xo Tauni
Thank you! I wasn’t able to “get it” from reading just the directions on Pinterest.
I still can not figure out how to get mine to show up, I am on blogger and did exactly as your directions stated and it still won’t show up.
Shelby, I know some blogs hosted on blogger have experienced an automatic change in code (caused by blogger). I am not sure why it happens and/or how to fix it, but you might double-check to make sure the code is showing up exactly the same? Without seeing the backend of your code, it’s hard for me to say what the issue might be. Good luck! Tauni
Awesome guide! I was able to tweak and make it work! Thanks!